Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday's "Designing with Vintage" No. 10 Christmas

Merry Christmas Darlins,

Anticipation & beauty is all around us, 
Let's take a moment to see the sparkle in a childs eye.... 
 It's truly there for those who believe.

I believe....
 Let's keep Christlmas in our heart all year... I do!!!
Our home is lingering with saw dust, our yard looks like a rock quary, we still have a sinkless kitchen....

We have what matters most.... the joy & love inside our home captivates the magic amongst us.

Also we have a sweet house guest this week & she has added an extra twinkle to our Christmas this year.

Welcome to No. 10 Saturday's "Designing with Vintage"

Today I though I would share  a few favorite pics from past Christmas's in our home.

First up is evergreens....when ya'll are shopping the stores on black friday, I'm not. 
I go early in the morning just to buy my Holiday greens!

A Vintage miners cart becomes our stand for the tree.
* 1930's deer mount from an old hunting lodge in the midwest,
 * Louis Mirror in the dining room get draped with evergreen garlands.

A family ornament that's been loved for decades.

I hope your moments will be spent coveting the joy of the season, filling your heart & home.

A warm, cozy & beautiful Saturday to you!


  1. Gail beautiful share of Christmas past ... We too are dealing with renovation dust.

  2. I lové looking back and seeing the beauty and style in the changes we make.
    It will be really fun to see next year when your dust has settled and your beautiful home shines.

    Hope to see some of what is taking place soon.

    Joyeux Noël


  3. Wow, I really liked this vintage Christmas party décor. Thanks for inspiration of my next party as I love vintage décor. Even we had a vintage wedding last year at one of the most popular and historic party venues in San Diego. Everyone loved wedding theme and decorations.


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